Tanner Melior, MS, ACMHC


Primary Therapist
5 Years
801-850-9147 ext. 113
34 S 300 E, Provo, UT 84606


Tanner graduated with his master's degree in clinical mental health counseling from Utah Valley University. His long-term goals include achieving a doctorate in counseling education and inspiring other exceptional therapists to enter the field. When away from work, Tanner can be found outside hiking, camping, boating, traveling, or playing sports. He enjoys watching movies, visiting national and state parks, playing games, and spending quality time with friends and family.

Tanner loves working at Summit Counseling Solutions. While studying as an undergraduate student, he spent a significant amount of time working in Summit Counseling Solutions’ intensive outpatient program. He quickly fell in love with the work, his colleagues, and the program and returned to the clinic as soon as he could. He is very passionate about helping and caring for the youth that enroll in this program and finds his work here to be fulfilling and enlightening. He reports, “Summit Counseling Solutions is truly the best place to experience a safe learning environment where clients can feel accepted and supported in their journey through personal challenges.” Tanner hopes that everyone who decides to enroll in this program knows that he will do his absolute best to ensure that they feel safe and secure, and that this is a place for real growth and progress.