Kim House


Office & Admissions Manager
12 Years
801-850-9147 ext. 117
34 S 300 E, Provo, UT 84606


Kim has a Bachelor of Science Degree from Brigham Young University and is a licensed pharmacy technician.  Kim left the pharmacy industry after working 10 years in order to spend more time raising her three children. Parenthood introduced Kim to the world of non-profits and how those non-profits could impact the lives of children and adolescents for the better. She has spent the last 12 years helping run local non-profits in schools, school districts, and local community groups that focus on the needs of children and adolescents, especially youth in vulnerable societal groups.

Kim has a passion for working to break down insurance barriers that prevent parents from being able to find appropriate healthcare for their children. Kim has personally run into these insurance barriers in her search for mental health care for her own children and wants to prevent other parents from running into the same barriers. In Kim’s spare time, she loves learning about different people and places. She also loves crafting and spending time with her family. She currently serves on the advisory and executive boards for multiple community organizations and non-profits. Kim has called Provo home for the last 20+ years; before settling in Provo, she has lived in Orem, Oregon, California, Hawaii, and Hungary.