Dr. Frances Liu, DO, FAAP


Medical Director
13 Years
801-850-9147 ext. 112
34 S 300 E, Provo, UT 84606


As the medical director at SCS, Dr. Liu is phenomenal. With a degree in osteopathic medicine from Des Moines University and having fulfilled her residency program through Albany Medical Center in New York, she brings an expertise to SCS that is essential to effective treatment. Dr. Liu formerly worked at Utah Valley Pediatrics  and Bristol Health. 

Even though therapy is a crucial element in supporting a healthy mental state, prescribing the right medication is as well. Once medical health personnel have made the correct diagnosis and the appropriate psychological evaluations have been made, Dr. Liu uses pharmacogenetic testing to determine which medication the client will likely respond to. By studying the client’s genetic makeup, she can learn how well the client will tolerate certain medications and how their metabolism may affect that response. For those seeking medication, this allows the client to experience positive results far more quickly than the typical trial-and-error method. 

As Dr. Liu consults with the staff at SCS about each individual client, she has access to a broader perspective than most doctors are privy to, and can more fully understand the unique needs of the youth in question.